Sunday 21 October 2012

The 10 core competences

This section is very helpful in building my personal ethics, management and in developing my goals in life.
  • Personal Management- At the present I have been improving my personal management such as time, finances and priorities in life. This area helps me to recognise strengths and weaknesses to make improvements. 
  • Communication- I have been learning the qualities I need to have in order to achieve a better communication skills. Knowing this will be very helpful in my academic, personal and career life as this will always be one of the most important skill they are looking for especially in looking for job.
  • Managing information- Reviewing and exploring the aspects of this area makes me realize that I just don't need to meet deadlines. I also need to review, and apply variety of ideas on my piece of work especially put acknowledgements on the sources I use to prevent plagiarism.
  • Research and Analysis- I have been practising this on my day to day basis and therefore I just need to gain more knowledge and experience to be able to make improvements and better progress.
  • Project, task and organisational skills- In order to meet deadlines on my career and academic life; I need to make sure that I will have back-ups and use range of assessment techniques to monitor projects and tasks. This has given me a further thought for the future tasks and projects therefore I need to expand my knowledge through reading books and articles.
  • Teamwork- Building teamwork comes with a lot of complications. In order to make an effective and dynamic team in the future I need to follow the requirements needed for this section such as accept and provide feedback in a constructive and considerate way.
  • Commitment to quality- This made me realize that I will always need to be aware of everything I do, such as improve my work practices and pay attention to the quality of work. This is crucial as every work I submit at work and at university gives a big impact in my present and future life.
  • Personal behaviour-Developing my professional behaviour from the College gives me an opportunity to grow and improve appropriate manner for my future job position/s. 
  • Social responsibility-This area makes me realize to think twice before making a final decision towards the things I do. 
  • Continuous learning- I will also need to include this section onto the things I need to do at the present to the future. This is one of the most important aspect of the competences that I need to do forever. 

This is a very efficient link to look at in setting your personal goals.

Monday 1 October 2012

Swain Analysis

Swain Analysis

My probable chosen business pathway would be Marketing as I have high interest in researching and putting my ideas together about a certain project. This pathway will be best to choose as it will always give challenge and motivate me to work hard. I will be motivated and wiser in managing my time as for the reason there will always be a deadline (time and date) as of when I must submit my completed work.

Marketing research Analyst will always be in the fields of research; understanding of demographics and making questionnaires. I will have to be creative and proactive as urgency and time management will be most needed. I am  aiming for this position/job in the future as I know that in this pathway; I will grow and expand my knowledge towards business.

Later, after having a vast experience in marketing my next step is to study Human Resource Management. Taking this business pathway gives me security on employment as I will ahve back up knowledge on other aspect of business in case marketing won't work out for me. I am aiming to have both Marketing and Human Resources degree and be working for a company (with a very good salary to support my lifestyle and earn money to build my own business) in five years time.

This is a brief example of what SWAIN analysis is. It is important for an individual to know what his/her Swain analysis as it helps a lot to make you realize what you're main goals and priorities in life. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses gives me an idea what areas I am good at and what needs improvement. It is very useful that I know these things in a youngage whilst I am still studying in the College so that I know what Business pathway to take in university. Aspirations, Interests and Needs gives me knowledge of what my priorities are and what areas I need to prioritize in order to achieve my goals. Filling up my needs made me realize I need to budget each penny I have for day-to-day living and what qualifications I need to be a qualified candidate for the position I want to be in the future. This includes a lot of retail, voluntary experience and anything that relates with interacting with a variety of people to boost confidence.

Now, I have an idea towards the career I want for the future and what skills and personalities I need to improve and develop in order to achieve this.