Monday 1 October 2012

Swain Analysis

Swain Analysis

My probable chosen business pathway would be Marketing as I have high interest in researching and putting my ideas together about a certain project. This pathway will be best to choose as it will always give challenge and motivate me to work hard. I will be motivated and wiser in managing my time as for the reason there will always be a deadline (time and date) as of when I must submit my completed work.

Marketing research Analyst will always be in the fields of research; understanding of demographics and making questionnaires. I will have to be creative and proactive as urgency and time management will be most needed. I am  aiming for this position/job in the future as I know that in this pathway; I will grow and expand my knowledge towards business.

Later, after having a vast experience in marketing my next step is to study Human Resource Management. Taking this business pathway gives me security on employment as I will ahve back up knowledge on other aspect of business in case marketing won't work out for me. I am aiming to have both Marketing and Human Resources degree and be working for a company (with a very good salary to support my lifestyle and earn money to build my own business) in five years time.

This is a brief example of what SWAIN analysis is. It is important for an individual to know what his/her Swain analysis as it helps a lot to make you realize what you're main goals and priorities in life. Knowing my strengths and weaknesses gives me an idea what areas I am good at and what needs improvement. It is very useful that I know these things in a youngage whilst I am still studying in the College so that I know what Business pathway to take in university. Aspirations, Interests and Needs gives me knowledge of what my priorities are and what areas I need to prioritize in order to achieve my goals. Filling up my needs made me realize I need to budget each penny I have for day-to-day living and what qualifications I need to be a qualified candidate for the position I want to be in the future. This includes a lot of retail, voluntary experience and anything that relates with interacting with a variety of people to boost confidence.

Now, I have an idea towards the career I want for the future and what skills and personalities I need to improve and develop in order to achieve this.



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