Saturday 4 May 2013

On February, 2013 I have started to do the research proposal template, as a starting point to the project. It has given me a clear understanding of what to expect. Everything that I have looked through the research template was fully related to the dissertation project as this has been the guideline for the dissertation structure. I have talked about my aims and objectives, literature review, primary and secondary research and problems that may arise and what could be the solutions to it. This has given me a guidance of how to make the project more interesting and full of ideas of how I will tackle my topic.

By March, at the very first week, I have done the research template and have it confirmed by my tutor, Jay. We were then asked to make our own questionnaires and interview questions; relating to our topic. My topic was "How internal and external stakeholders views affect Guess Jeans Company". I find this topic very interesting not just because I work in Guess Company, but also I think that they need to improve some areas in the company. Therefore, in order to do this, I will be asking people about what they think should be the problem and what can the business do to make Guess a better company? This will be an opportunity to know people's views and suggestions. I have done this for two and a half weeks; one week to do and confirm the questionnaire and interview questions another a week and a half distribute questionnaires to Guess's customers and employees together with interview question with the Manager.

For this part of the project, I have learned how to do statistics in the right way. I have done graphs in order to know how many people are agreeing with each others opinion, then the result can possibly the answer to the problem they are facing and might encounter in the future.

At the end of March, the class had the opportunity to show our tutor how our proposal is going to be. And by May we should be able to present our findings via power point presentation. I believe that I will be able to finish the project before May. It is necessary to spare more time in revising my dissertation in order to correct any grammar and spelling before the deadline. It is a lesson learned from other subjects and assignments that I have done few months ago; never leave the assignment too late as I will not have enough time to look through it and as a result I will get lower grade.

Doing this project has extended my knowledge in doing primary and secondary research. It has been very helpful in developing skills as this subject is related to the pathway I will be taking in University and wanted to pursue in the future, as a Marketing Research Executive.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This Blog displays that Sarah has learned a lot during the process of this report especially in depth about primary and secondary research. Sarah had the same experience as myself that she learned more about displaying graphs and data.Sarah also suffered from time management skills, we were both made aware of how important it is to have sharp time management skills and the effect this has on our grade. This has been a great learning experience for us both.
    This project has also helped Sarah to feel confident about her career pathway of being a Marketing research executive.

  3. Sarah has presented a good blog. She has chosen a good topic which reflects on her career path. Sarah has undertaken extensive form of Primary and secondary research. She mentions that doing this project has extended her knowledge in doing Primary and secondary research. I believe this would be beneficail for her in the near future.
